Nairne & Districts Lions Club
Current Activities:
To check what is on next please visit our FB page
Dungeons & Dragons - every 2nd and 4th Thurs of the Month
Australian Wildlife Ambassadors Project
Lions Business Meeting 2nd Wed of the Month
Lions Social Dinner Get-Together and fun activities
Nairne Railway Station & Cottage Renovations
Ladies Meditation
Craft Activities
Bill Joyce Park & Nairne Railway Station Maintenance support
Wildlife orphan pouch sewing bees
Nairne Op Shop support and garden maintenance support
Nairne Primary School Parent/Teacher night and school programs support
various community support grants and activities
support of Council activities
Australia Day
Anzac Day Gunfire Breakfast
Clean Up Australia Day
National Tree Planting Day
Nairne Community Food Swap
Nairne Community Pharmacy Christmas BBQ
Mt Barker Christmas Pageant
Nairne Christmas St Market
Nairne CFS Christmas BBQ
Nairne Primary School Sports Day BBQ
Nairne Community Carols
Nairne Football Club Support
Nairne Knights Soccer Club Support
Nairne Basketball Club Support
Nairne Golf Club Sponsorship
Local disability and low income support to community members
Nairne Football Club Finals Celebration
Australian Lions Hearing Dogs Support
Support of other Adelaide Hills Lions activities
Upcoming Activities:
Wool Spinning Group
Men's Games & Chat Night
Station Devonshire Tea on the Platform
Nairne Railway Enthusiasts Group